Monthly Archives: May 2013

Hey Look, Free Outfit


If you’re a Fabric Mart addict like me, you know that they occasionally have a free fabric bundle promotion, X number of yards for spending X amount of money (There’s one going on right now!). So when I say Free Outfit, I really mean Hey Look, a $3000 outfit, because that’s probably what I’ve spent at FM. I refuse to add it all up.

Obviously these fabric bundles are hit and miss, but at some point last year I got some major numminess. One was about 1.5 yards of rich purple super silky charmeuse, of a way finer quality than something I would pay for. I’m still amazed at how lovely it is, and how well it holds up. The other is about 1 yard of stripey jersey. Not the softest material in the world, but a fun piece of fabric nonetheless, and it matches the charmeuse. I decided to finally crack open my Burda Style Sewing Handbook 20130515-112147.jpg
to try their blouse pattern, and it was a positive experience. I typically shy away from Burda because it seems to get mixed reviews overall, but the book is lovely. So many fabric and embellishment options, straightforward directions, really nice details inside and out. Even having to add the seam allowance wasn’t annoying. I am crap at taking photos mid-construction, but this pattern is so clean that I felt compelled to take photos of the inside.

A bit difficult to see, but pretend it’s clear

This is the inside! Look at that yoke.

Here’s a view that includes the casing and tie. Again, really straightforward directions. As always, pardon the wrinkles. This was taken after work and grocery shopping.
I’m not sure when I finished the blouse, but I know I wore this outfit at Christmas, so it’s definitely a 2012 vintage. I haven’t actually made anything with the stripey jersey yet. I just safety pin it into a skirt and it usually stays up. Here I am when the daffodils decided to come out last month.
I could stand to lengthen the bodice, but other than that I’m happy with the fit.

Feelin peplumy20130515-105949.jpg

So this is my mini-review of the Burda Style Sewing Handbook. I would definitely make the blouse again, especially since it’s good for sheer fabrics or just about anything, and since I already bothered to trace and cut those pattern pieces. Has anyone made another garment from the Handbook? What was your experience?

Happy Sewing
Happy Mid-Me-Made-May!

My Favorite Thing I’ve Ever Made, Ever


How’s Me-Made-May going, everyone? I for one am exhausted checking out the Flickr group constantly, but it’s SO amazing.

Down to business. I loved the first pair of Colette Clovers I made in January. Got the fit down pretty well. It was wonderful having a reliable pair of black slacks to wear this winter, and I’ve been dying to jazz things up and make more. I found this fabulous cotton/lycra floral in Mood at the meetup in March, and that stuff was destined to be my new pants.

By the way, this is how I fit Clovers. I cut them big enough for my waist size and then keep chopping the side seams in until they fit my hips (which are non-existent but that’s fine with me). I doubt this works for every pant pattern, but with Clovers it’s a dream. The butt fits wonderfully and the crotch doesn’t do anything absurd or uncooperative.

And speaking of crotch, I was really concerned that this insane print would lead to pattern placement nightmare, but it miraculously worked out. No crotch flower here.

Pics! Totally silliness ahead. The pants are a bit wrinkly after a long day’s work but these shots will have to do.

These pants make me want to dance! 20130514-180137.jpg
And jump. (This was taken either before or after the jump. It obviously wasn’t timed well, but is too funny not to post.)
I tried to take this with the timer app I just downloaded, for moments when my babe is too busy. It’s a little fuzzy, but I like the pic anyway.
Finally pried my baby away from the Miata engine for more pics. 20130514-180830.jpg

Here I am on an educational mission. Yesterday was the birthday of the inventor of the Pap smear and savior of your cervix, Dr. George Papanicolaou. I’ve been a cytotechnologist for almost 19 years, so I appreciate the man not only for saving lives, but for the great profession his research has given me. It turns out that he passed away in New Jersey about 25 minutes from here, so off we went in the Miata and new Clovers to investigate.


Even more business, almost as exciting as a pair of floral Clovers–My giveaway. Here’s my lovely assistant, Lenny, pulling the winners out of his Morris County Police Pipes and Drums cup.

And the winner of the Steam-A-Seam is

The winner of the regular Wonder Clips is Vicki Kate, and the Jumbo Clips go to Kristin!!! 20130514-195633.jpg
Congrats all!! I think I have your direct contact info, but if you read this and haven’t heard from me yet, feel free to shout here in comments or shelley57 at Yahoo. Thanks!!