Category Archives: Me Made May

What???!! Me-Made-May again?!


Hey loves.  Can’t believe this is year six for me.  I’ve been a total slacker in the making end of things, but still wear mostly me-mades all year long.  Me-Made-May has been such a fun event for me every year.  It’s a great journal of sorts.  I can account for my whereabouts (or at least my outfits) every single day of May since 2012.  I also get the pleasure of watching my weight fluctuate (Can anyone else relate?).

I assume my buttons still work, but just in case, please follow me at Instagram is probably the place I’ll most consistently post.  Anyone who has been following me there has probably noticed it has turned into more of a live music blog, but now I get to torture my new music followers with my Cuckoo endeavors.  My goal is to combine the two loves as many days as possible, and to thank the musicians and my old and new music-loving friends for keeping my soul glued together.  I’ll also be linking to my favorite artists’ pages and Spotify and all that good, stuff, so hopefully you all will enjoy the bonus of getting into some fantastic new tunes as a soundtrack to your you-making.  Trust me–you’ll love them.  It’s the Shelley Guarantee.

I may also throw this in as an extra challenge.  If you’re so inclined and are as afflicted with music obsession as I am, play along too.  This was probably supposed to be for April, but let’s be rebellious and make it part of the Me-Made-May fun.


I’ll be following you…  You can’t get away from me and my iPhone.  I have unlimited data now, and will be watching you and cheering you on.

Major hugs and Happy Me-Made-May!  And thanks as always to Zoe at So, Zo… for being the sewist wrangler all of these years.  She’s the best!!

LOVE and Happy Sewing!


I Pledge Allegiance To Me-Made-May


Less than 48 hours until I’m on Flickr lurking sewists from all across the planet. Well, lurking more than usual. Oh, how I love this time of year. Me-Made-May has always meant a lot to me, as it was one of the first social events in which I participated as a less than three-month-old baby seamstress in 2012. The encouragement and inspiration during the challenge, not to mention Zoe’s fun and fearless leadership, kept my newfound sewing enthusiasm at a high level, and I got to know so many lovely blogoddesses and their unique styles.

Me-Made-May 2012

Me-Made-May 2013

By my second year, I was able to challenge myself by wearing a complete me-made ensemble every day with no outfit repeats. While I was happy to stick with that pledge, those parameters occasionally prevented me from wearing beloved separates that didn’t have a me-made ‘partner’ as it were. This year my pledge is to wear virtually all new-to-you garments, either made since last Me-Made-May or previously un-MMM-ed due to weather or the separates issue.

I, Shelley of Cuckoo Chanel, pledge to complete Me-Made-May’14. I endeavor to wear and document at least one me-made garment per day, previously unworn during a Me-Made-May challenge.

Be on the lookout for me. I’m shelshel on Flickr and @shelleyhesson on Instagram. Please join me in this celebration of pattern enabling and fabric drooling. Thanks again, Zoe!